We develop unique partnerships to design and implement programs which have a distinctive and direct positive impact on student participation and learning in arts and music. We work with schools, colleges, individuals and organizations with diverse skills, resources and a shared commitment to improving arts education at both the local and national level.


The Blackwing Foundation’s Ignite the Arts grants aim to empower our partners by offering funding to enhance their arts and music educational curriculum in innovative and impactful ways. These grants often serve as a means for schools to reintroduce or sustain arts or music programs, reinvigorating opportunities for students to engage in these creative endeavors.

Our primary grant criteria includes:

  • Strengthening and expanding partnerships with qualified individuals, organizations and schools who can help us to develop and expand the breadth, reach and quality of programs we currently support. We often provide pilot funding to adapt or scale a successful program at a local level before working toward broader adoption via collaborations with supplemental funding sponsors.
  • Reaching students that have had limited and/or no access to participate in formalized arts and music programs. 
  • High quality and strong curricular relevance. 
  • Student engagement and access.
  • Sustainable programs with a direct positive impact on student learning.

Program qualifications:

  • Grants can be provided either to qualified 501(c)3 organizations directly providing services to schools and school districts or directly to schools looking to adopt one of the programs offered by our Regional or  National Partners. 

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